English language arts
Play script / Playscript - writing frame
A clear writing frame for playscripts.
Designed for LA / SEN pupils who need support setting out their work.
Suitable for years 2 - 6. Designed for years 3 and 4. KS2
Poetry planning sheets - Differentiated - Literacy.
Poetry planning sheets
3 way differentiated.
Poetry planning sheets for children to plan their own poem .
Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6. Have been designed for year 3/4.
Edit instruction text differentiated- Years 3 /4 LKS2 - Literacy
Edit instructional text
(How to make a cup of tea)
3 way differentiation - suitable for years 3 or 4.
LA - editing for spelling and punctuation.
MA - editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs.
HA - put instructions in the correct order and editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs.
It can easily be edited and adapted as required.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning!
Mystery Story - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Mystery Story
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
Introduction to explanation texts - PowerPoint Presentation - KS2
Introduction to explanation texts - PowerPoint Presentation
Aimed at KS2
The PowerPoint Presentation includes:
What explanation texts are?
Where do you see explanation texts?
Organisation of explanation texts.
What are the key features of a explanation text?
Impersonal Language
Purpose, Audience and Layout of explanation texts.
I have saved it in two versions on PowerPoint, if you have an older version. I have saved some previews of the slides.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other primary resources and planning here
Explanation text - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Explanation text
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
Comic strip used for story planning. KS1 or KS2
Simple comic strip that could be used for a variety of planning writing.
Could be used in KS1 or 2.
Easy to adapt.
Literacy Success Criteria's Year 3 KS2
A range of year 3 success criteria.
All differentiated 3 ways.
All editable.
Instructions planning sheets - Differentiated - Literacy.
Instructions planning sheets
3 way differentiated.
Instructions Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6.
Have been designed for year 3/4.
Mystery Story planning sheets - differentiated.
Mystery Story planning sheets.
3 way differentiated.
Mystery story planning sheets for children to plan their own mystery story.
Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6. Have been designed for year 3/4.
Non - Chronological report - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Non - Chronological report
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
Planning grids for writing KS1 KS2
Planning grids and writing frame some differentiated.
Clear and editable.
Plus self and peer assessment sheets.
Instructions - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Instructions Success Criteria
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
See other Success Criteria's.
Discussion Texts - Success Criteria - Differentiated. KS2
Discussion Texts
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
Poetry - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
Story - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
KS2 - Peer and self assessment sheet - Differentiated Literacy.
Year 3 - Peer and self assessment sheet
3 way differentiation
Peer assessment of partners work and self assessment of their own work all in one.
I have used in year 3 and 4 but could be used from year 2 - 6.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here
Year 3 Spelling Lists - Whole year.
I have compiled spellings lists to cover 28 weeks of the year. Each week there are words from the national curriculum and words that contain a spelling rule which are taught over 2 weeks. E.g List 1a and 1b have 4 national curriculum words and 4 words that contain the prefix dis- or in-. Each weeks there are 8 words to learn and 3 places to practice on the sheet. There is also a challenge where they could apply using some or all of the word that they have used.
Edit instructions (non-fiction) text. Year 2/3/4 KS2 Literacy.
An editing instruction task.
Children to edit the instructions for spelling and punctuation. It could easily be adapted to edit for edit for other grammar focuses such as imperative verbs or adverbs of time.
Designed for year 3 but could be used or adapted in other year groups.
Instructions: How to make a cup of tea.
Guided Reading Planning / Responses Grid - Year 5 and 6 - With curriculum links
Guided Reading Planning and Responses Grid.
For Year 5 and 6 with curriculum links at the bottom.
Clear grid on one side of A4.
The grid contains boxes for the Reading Objective, Key Questions, Introduction, Strategy Check, Independent Reading, Returning to the text, Follow up / Next steps.
There is a clear place for the children's names and their responses.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other primary resources and planning here